The Prodigal Son
Let's read the story of Prodigal Son and then ask some questions.
This story is written by Little Bible Teacher.
Jesus tells stories
One day Jesus was walking through the land and started telling some stories.

By Distant Shores Media/Sweet Publishing, CC BY-SA 3.0,
Father and Two Sons

By Distant Shores Media/Sweet Publishing, CC BY-SA 3.0,
The Younger Son
The younger son took his money and went to a far away country. And before he knew it, he had lost it all.

By Distant Shores Media/Sweet Publishing, CC BY-SA 3.0,
Feeding Pigs
The son got very hungry and had no money to buy food. He found a place to stay and the owner let him feed the pigs. But he got so hungry, he wanted to eat what the pigs were eating.

By Distant Shores Media/Sweet Publishing, CC BY-SA 3.0,
Waking Up
Then he thought, back home my father's workers always have enough to eat, and I'm so hungry. But I lost all my Father's money. He probably won't want me. I'll go back home and tell my father to make me a worker.

By Distant Shores Media/Sweet Publishing, CC BY-SA 3.0,
Returning to the Father
But when the father saw his son in the distance, he ran to meet him and gave him a huge hug and kissed him.

By Distant Shores Media/Sweet Publishing, CC BY-SA 3.0,
The Son's Guilt

By Distant Shores Media/Sweet Publishing, CC BY-SA 3.0,
The Father's Welcome
The father didn't care. He had his servants prepare food and gave his son new clothes. He was happy because his son had been lost and now he was found.

By Distant Shores Media/Sweet Publishing, CC BY-SA 3.0,
The Older Son
But the father also had an older son. When he heard that his father was having a party for his younger brother, he was angry. So the father went out to comfort him.

By Distant Shores Media/Sweet Publishing, CC BY-SA 3.0,
The Son's Anger

By Distant Shores Media/Sweet Publishing, CC BY-SA 3.0,
The Father's Comfort

By Distant Shores Media/Sweet Publishing, CC BY-SA 3.0,
What do you think the Father meant when he said his younger son was lost but now he is found?
What can we do when we feel lost or don't know what to do?
In the story, the son lost his dad's money. Why wasn't the dad mad? Why do you think the dad is so patient with his sons?
What good qualities does the Father express? For instance, is he forgiving? If we think about the Father in the story being God, then what must God be like?