The raising of Lazarus been an artistic subject for hundreds of years. Take a look at some of the artworks while you think about the story. The high quality photos may take a moment to load.

Rembrandt - The Raising of Lazarus

Rembrandt, etching, 1632, can be viewed at the MET in New York City
Can you identify the two women in the painting. Which do you think is Mary and which do you think is Martha?
Look at the use of hands in this painting. How does Jesus' hand convey? There are five other sets of clearly visible hands--can you find them? What is everyone else's hands doing?
Henry Ossawa Tanner - The Resurrection of Lazarus

Have you noticed that all the paintings of Lazarus are in the tomb? In the Bible story, did they all go into the tomb, or did Jesus call Lazarus out of the tomb?
Can you find two women in the painting? Which do you think is Martha and which do you think is Mary?
Which art do you prefer?