Raising Lazarus
You can act out the story as a play. You'll need at least four actors. If you have lots of actors, you can always have more disciples and friends.
Roles: Jesus, Disciples, Mary, Martha, Friends, Lazarus
Costumes: Try to put together some costumes for the roles. Get creative.
Props: You'll need to find something to use for the stone in front of Lazarus' tomb.
Reading Lines: You can either memorize your lines, or you can print out the text. If you print out the text, use a highlighter to mark the lines that you say.

Lazarus: the Play
This play was written by Little Bible Teacher.
Scene 1: The Countryside
Actors on Stage: Jesus and the Disciples
[Jesus] It's time we head south to Judea. [A disciple] But last time we were there they tried to kill you. That wasn't too long ago. Are you sure you want to go back there? [Jesus] How many hours of light are there in a day? [A disciple] Twelve. [Jesus] That's right. When people walk in the light, they don't trip because they have light from the sun. It's only at night that people trip because they can't see the light. [A disciple] But why must we go to back to Judea? [Jesus] You remember our friends--Mary, Martha, and Lazarus. Lazarus is sleeping right now. I need to wake him up.Disciples look puzzled.
[A disciple] If Lazarus is asleep, I'm sure he'll be fine. It's not worth going back for that. [Jesus] I mean Lazarus is dead. And I'm glad I wasn't there so you'll have the opportunity to believe. We will go to him, now. [A disciple] But Mary and Martha sent a messenger two days ago saying Lazarus was sick. Why didn't we go then? [Jesus] As I told you then, the sickness is not to death. It's an opportunity to see God's glory. This brings glory to the Son of God. [A disciple to another disciple] What choice do we have but to go back with him. We'll probably all be killed.Scene 2: The town of Bethany
Actors on Stage: Jesus and the Disciples
[A disciple] Someone is coming from the town.Enter a friend
[A Friend] You've come too late. Lazarus has been dead four days. But I'm glad you're here. Maybe you can be of some comfort to Mary and Martha. I'll take you to them. [Jesus] Bring me to him.Martha enters.
[Martha] Jesus, if you had been here with us, my brother wouldn't have died. But I know that even now God will do anything you ask. [Jesus] Your brother will rise again. [Martha] Yes, I know there will be a resurrection at the last day when everyone will rise again. [Jesus] I am the resurrection and the life. Everyone who trusts me has life. Anyone who lives and trusts me never truly dies. Martha, do you trust what I'm saying? [Martha] I know you're the Christ, the Son of God.Mary and friends enter.
[Mary] Jesus, if you had been here, my brother wouldn't have died! [Jesus] (Looks upset) Where have you put him? [A Friend] Come and see. We'll take you to his tomb.Jesus wipes a tear.
[A Friend to another Friend] Look how fond he was of Lazarus. [Friend Replies Back] I heard he even healed blind people. Didn't he care enough about Lazarus to stop him from dying? [Martha] (Pointing.) The tomb is there. [Jesus] Take away the stone from the entrance. [Martha] Oh, Jesus. He's been dead four days. There will be a terrible smell. [Jesus] Didn't I say if you would trust me, you would see the glory of God?Friends take away the stone. Jesus kneels on the ground and look up in prayer.
[Jesus] I thank you Father for hearing me. I know you always hear me, but I said these things because of the other people here. I want them to trust you sent me.Jesus stands.
[Jesus] Lazarus. Come out.Lazarus approaches the group wrapped in the clothing he was buried in.
[Jesus] Take off the grave clothes and let him go free.Return to your Level
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