The raising of Lazarus been an artistic subject for hundreds of years. Take a look at some of the artworks while you think about the story. The high quality photos may take a moment to load.

Rembrandt - The Raising of Lazarus

Rembrandt, etching, 1632, can be viewed at the MET in New York City
Look at the use of hands in this painting. How does Jesus' hand convey? There are five other sets of clearly visible hands. What is everyone else's hands doing? What is the author saying with his use of hands?
Look at the use of light and shadow. Where is the brightest source of light? Who does the light shine on?
Can you identify the two women in the painting. Which do you think is Mary and which do you think is Martha?
Vincent van Gogh - The Raising of Lazarus

van Gogh, oil on canvas, 1890, can be seen at the Van Gogh Museum in Amsterdam
While van Gogh was in a mental hospital, he made a painting based on the etching from Rembrandt that you saw above. What has van Gogh changed? How is the scenery different? What important figure is missing? How is this artist's message different than the previous one? What emotion do you get from this painting? How might it reflect on his own mental mood at this time?
Henry Ossawa Tanner - The Resurrection of Lazarus

Have you noticed that all the paintings of Lazarus are in the tomb? In the Bible story, did they all go into the tomb, or did Jesus call Lazarus out of the tomb? Why do you think artists might change this part of the story?
Why is the woman closest to Jesus looking at him instead of Lazarus? What do you think the artist is saying with this choice? Another woman is looking upwards. What might the artist be saying about what she's thinking? What are the expressions on the other bystanders in the background? What is their emotion? What do you think about Jesus' expression and posture in this art?
What emotions to you get from this painting?
Which art do you prefer?