Daniel in the Lion's Den


Daniel in the lion's den has been an artistic subject for hundreds of years.  Take a look at some of the art works while you think about the story.  The high quality photos may take a moment to load.


JB Pratt - Daniel in the Lions Den

Darius I

Daniel in the Lions Den, mezzotint by J. B. Pratt, with hand colouring, pub. by Thomas Agnew and Sons, 1892

Art Process: Mezzotint is an old method of printing art using metal plates with lots of tiny dots.  This was was then colored by hand.

Discussion Questions

Look at this work of art about Daniel in the Lion’s Den.  

What does Daniel's body language say?  Why does he have his back to the lions? 

Daniel looks older in this art.  Did you think of Daniel as an older or younger man? 

What does the body language of the lions say?

Do you feel any emotions in this art?

Sir Peter Paul Rubens - Daniel in the Lions' Den

Darius I

Daniel in the Lions' Den, oil painting by Sir Peter Paul Rubens around 1615 AD

Discussion Questions

Compare this painting to the previous artwork.  What's different about the body language and expression of Daniel? Is Daniel confident in God?  What do you think about this younger version of Daniel compared to the older one?

What's different about the body language and expression of the lions? 

What emotions do you feel from this art?  How does this artist's message differ from the previous one?  Which do you prefer?