Daniel in the Lion's Den
Let's look at some of the vocabulary used in the East-to-Read Version of the Bible.

To charge with, or declare to have committed, a crime or offense - Webster 1913
A prisoner taken by force or stratagem, esp., by an enemy, in war; one kept in bondage or in the power of another. - Webster 1913
Morally free from guilt; guiltless; not tainted with sin; pure; upright. - Webster 1913
Someone who lived in the ancient kingdom or region of Media

Someone who lived in the ancient empire of Persia

The governor of a province in ancient Persia. Each area below was a province in Persia around the time of Darius.

A seal is made by using a signet, which was often worn on a ring. A signet was a special series of pictures and symbols. No two people had the same one. The owner could use the signet to press into something softer, like wax, to create a seal. Messages could we sealed in this manner to make sure no one opened them without permission and also to show who the letter was from.

One who supervises; an overseer; an inspector; a superintendent - Webster 1913